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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Best Friends For Never by Lis Harrison

Best Friends For Never by Lis Harrison

The title of the book I just finished was call " Best Friends for Never" and it is written by Lis Harrison. The is a clique book. Usually I enjoy reading realistic fiction, so this book was a good choice for me. I have read the whole book and have found out it is set at a school called OCD, most of the story takes place at a girl, Massie's ,home. The main character Alichia wants to be popular which is a real problem for her because she is feuding to be the most popular with Massie. Massie is the most popular at the school and everyone basically worships her. The problem makes her feel very sad and left out of her group because her friends don't talk to her anymore because they thought she was trying to ditch them. The secondary characters trying to help her reach her goal are not many. Clare begins to be on Massie's side, then she feels bad for Alichia for being so mean to her and so she goes back onto Alichias side. This does not last very long tho because Massie has Claire believe a rumor that Alichia did that wasn't true. While I was reading this book, I was reminded of how evil and mean our world really is. I noticed the authors skill because of the fact that she got you so into the book you felt like you were living everyday just like the characters were. I had to wonder or question if any of this happened to her as a child. I felt very sad and kind of disappointed while reading this because it reminds me how real this really is, and how it happens in everyday and no one does anything about it, when people get left out and made fun of. Based on the response to this story, I intend to keep on reading the next books in the series.

On a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best) I give this book a rating of : 8

This book is available Oak view Media Center

Reviewed by Katie D2P6

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