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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Heroes Don't Run by Harry Mazer

Heroes Don't Run by Harry Mazer

The book I reviewed was called "Heroes Don't Run" by Harry Mazer. It's about a boy named Adam, who after Pearl Harbor joins the Marines and is shipped out to Okinawa and finds out what the war was really like. The book takes place mainly in South Carolina and Okinawa. I like it because it shows how daily life was for soldiers in the Pacific. I liked this book because it's a semi short book (at 112 pages) but it still has a great story line. It's a great war book so if you want a not long book this is it.

On a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best) I give this book a rating of : 9.5

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Reviewed by Patrick D2P6

Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes

Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes

The title of the book I read is Johnny Tremain and it was written by Esther Forbes. This is a historical fiction book. I usually enjoy fantasy but this was a case where I really had to reconsider. I can tell from the text of this book that it is set somewhere right before the revolutionary war because it has the Boston Tea Party and even starts the war in Lexington and Concord. The main character is Jonathan Lyte Tremain but who just goes by Johnny. Johnny Tremain is just a silversmith apprentice dreaming of becoming a master someday until an accident injures his hand. He now has no work and no home but soon he finds himself entangled in a mess beyond what he thought would happen in his life. He is now helping the rebels and even assisting with the Boston Tea Party by chucking tea in the harbor. This is a very good book and I would recommend it for those of you who like historical fiction and things about the revolutionary war but I even recommend it to those who are just plain bored and have nothing to read. I hope many people take an interest in Johnny Tremain. Good luck and happy reading.

On a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best) I give this book a rating of : ?

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Reviewed by
Michael D2P1

Love and Honor by Randall Wallace

Love and Honor by Randall Wallace

I read the book “Love and Honor”, a story, in which the main character (Kieran Selkirk) fights as a Russian cavalry soldier for his country that is only beginning to defeat British soldiers in 1776. At first he is in a sled fighting off wolves as he heads for a small city in Russia. Then he defends rich women with a polish servant against Cossacks as they head for Moscow to get promoted.

He and Gorlov, his friend, who helped him on his journey, fight the Cossacks in a huge battle defeating them.

Meanwhile he fell in love with the polish girl called Beatrice. At the third ball he attends, he wants to tell the Tsarina not to send troops to the colonies to put down our revolution. The Tsarina has other plans and tries to turn him into the Tsar. He fights back because he had married Beatrice and he doesn’t like the Tsarina. Her general puts him in a jail that no one has escaped from and Beatrice in a tower far away.

But Gorlov intervenes and saves him while acting like a Cossack leader. Then together they free Beatrice. In both those instances only two other officers help them.

The Tsarina puts her general in the jail after realizing that he is already married and doesn’t like her.

He goes on to fight back in the colonies and the Tsarina doesn’t send troops.

I believe this story is historical fiction and a good story for most people ages 16 and up but others can read it for its length of 402 pages. I hope you read it.

On a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best) I give this book a rating of : ?

This book is available: ?

Reviewed by
Arthur d2p1

Air Raid - Pearl Harbor! By Theodore Taylor

Air Raid - Pearl Harbor! The Attack that stunned the World By Theodore Taylor

The book I read is Air Raid - Pearl Harbor! The Attack that stunned the World. By Theodore Taylor. This book is about how the Japanese planned a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. When the U.S used their decoder in Washington, named Purple, they found out that the Japanese were planning an attack on a U.S Base and the Government did not think that it would be Pearl Harbor. The book tells how planes were spotted on the radar and nobody thought it was enemy planes so they let them approach, thinking they were friendly because they did not think anyone would attack Pearl Harbor. It tells about the events leading up to Pearl Harbor, how the U.S was taken by surprise, why it took them so long to defend themselves, where all U.S support planes and carriers were, how the Japanese signaled their troops in the air to get ready for an attack, how well prepared the Japanese were, the amount of destruction that was caused, and how the U.S retaliated.

On a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best) I give this book a rating of : 8

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Reviewed by
Danny D2P1

I Thought My Soul Would Rise and Fly by Joyce Hansen

I Thought My Soul Would Rise and Fly by Joyce Hansen

The title of the book I finished is called I Thought My Soul Would Rise and Fly. It was written by Joyce Hansen. I liked this book because it was all about slavery and how hard it was and it was very detailed with all the struggles the black's had to go through. I usually read horror books, so this book is kind of different for me. This book was set in the past in South Carolina.

The main character is Patsy. She wants all salves to be freed. This is a real conflict for her because she is only a teenager and there is not much she could do. The problem makes her feel so sad inside. Her mother and sisters really want to help too.

While I was reading this book, I was reminded of history class and how we learned about slavery and what was the effect of it. I noticed the author's skill when she used Patsy's words in a diary. I thought that was very smart because teenage girls have diary's and the diary helps her tell how much she thinks slavery is bad. I had to wonder what other things the slaves did besides just work and clean. In fact I felt pity for all the blacks in this book.

I think this book is great to read because it will give you more of an idea what children slaves had to do. So next time you see this book at the store or the library, pick it up and give it a try. Because I sure am glad I did. (:

On a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best) I give this book a rating of : ?

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Reviewed by
Jenna D1P3

When Will This Cruel War Be Over? By Barry Denenberg

When Will This Cruel War Be Over? By Barry Denenberg

Emma Simpson – Civil War child. It starts out that her brother is at war and is killed by one of the Yankees Sharpshooters, and losing her brother meant losing all holidays dear to her family. Her mom tries to see the good…but then her Father has to go off to war. Not long after Emma’s mother gets very ill, and Emma fears for the worse. The worse happens, her mother dies. Her Aunt then goes in her moms place, trying to do her best to raise Emma and her own children.

Her Father writes to her and tells her that he has received word for her mother’s passing, and he tells Emma of what is going on in the war. He tells Emma he is truly sorry and he hopes to see her soon. Soon after, the Yankees start appearing everywhere, there is little hope for Emma now more than ever. She has started talk more responsibility with the household chores, along with the slaves. She is glad her mother does not have to see the horrors of the war.

The Yankees start invading the nearby homes. Emma is horribly scared. The Yankees are killing people for the fun of it! Hanging them on trees and poles, while the people are hanging there dying, the Yankees stand there, and laugh, as if it is only for there

On the very last (Christmas day 1864) page Emma says, “There is a black hole where my heart previously beat” All of the deaths she could not comprehend. Her last thought… “Is this an awful waste – This painful sacrifice – justified in Gods eyes?”

On a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best) I give this book a rating of : ?

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Reviewed by Hailee D1P3

The Killer Angels By Michael Shaara

The Killer Angels By Michael Shaara

The Killer Angels book shows the boundary between history and fiction. Shaara does not differentiate between what is factual in his writing and what is historical. The point of his novel is not to give a history of the Battle of Gettysburg. Rather, the novel is show people an imaginative side to it: it speculates on what it might have been like to participate in the battle and what the generals might have been thinking and feeling as it process. Nonetheless, Shaara’s work is carefully researched and is usually faithful to the events of the war.

My favorite part was the Morning, Gettysburg. It was very detailed this was a very good book altogether it really gets its point across.

On a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best) I give this book a rating of : ?

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Reviewed by Rebecca d2p6

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Night by Elie Wiesel

Night by Elie Wiesel

The book I am reviewing is called Night it is written by Elie Wiesel. This is written about his own experiences during world war two. He was a young Jewish boy captured by the Nazis and sent to a concentration camp. Him, his sisters, and mom get separated along the way but he stays with his father. Most of the book takes place at a variety of camps but some of it is at his home when he was a boy and a little of the book takes place when he’s an adult. This is a good book for people who like survival stories but I wouldn’t recommend it for you kids.

On a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best) I give this book a rating of : 8

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Reviewed by Eric P1 D2

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Best Friends For Never by Lis Harrison

Best Friends For Never by Lis Harrison

The title of the book I just finished was call " Best Friends for Never" and it is written by Lis Harrison. The is a clique book. Usually I enjoy reading realistic fiction, so this book was a good choice for me. I have read the whole book and have found out it is set at a school called OCD, most of the story takes place at a girl, Massie's ,home. The main character Alichia wants to be popular which is a real problem for her because she is feuding to be the most popular with Massie. Massie is the most popular at the school and everyone basically worships her. The problem makes her feel very sad and left out of her group because her friends don't talk to her anymore because they thought she was trying to ditch them. The secondary characters trying to help her reach her goal are not many. Clare begins to be on Massie's side, then she feels bad for Alichia for being so mean to her and so she goes back onto Alichias side. This does not last very long tho because Massie has Claire believe a rumor that Alichia did that wasn't true. While I was reading this book, I was reminded of how evil and mean our world really is. I noticed the authors skill because of the fact that she got you so into the book you felt like you were living everyday just like the characters were. I had to wonder or question if any of this happened to her as a child. I felt very sad and kind of disappointed while reading this because it reminds me how real this really is, and how it happens in everyday and no one does anything about it, when people get left out and made fun of. Based on the response to this story, I intend to keep on reading the next books in the series.

On a scale of 1 (worst) to 10 (best) I give this book a rating of : 8

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Reviewed by Katie D2P6